Robert Kowalski

Leadership. Strategy. Business.

Posts Tagged ‘Idealism

Be Idealist. It Makes Life Easier.

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Action Without Borders

What a man can be, he must be. ~Abraham Maslov

Douglas R. Conant in his article “The Power of Idealistic-Realism: How Great Leaders Inspire and Transform” is proclaiming, that that idealism and realism are the two leadership attributes that truly inspire and mobilize people.  I want to focus on the first part of this duo – Idealism.

The roots of the word idealism comes via idea from the Greek idein (ἰδεῖν), meaning “to see”.  What leaders must “to see”? The core purpose of leadership is to see and explore potential in every member of the team. So this is the first thing to see. Potential of your people.

Idealism is giving people deeper motivation to work. I think that the source of this deeper motivation is self-actualization achieved by finding a higher idea. “What a man can be, he must be”. Work with a greater idea makes leader life easier. First, it help to communicate the vision of the company. Secondly great ideas appeal great people. That is why John Sculley become Apple’s CEO. Because he has a chance to change the world, not only to sell sugared water.

Idealism can also help to see new opportunities. If you know what is your vision, your senses and business instinct are naturally focused on all new potential of growing business. It helps also to take strategic decisions what company do (or what not to do).

Idealism keep higher ethic standards in every organisation. Idealist does not cheat. He is focused on fulfilling his own mission. By this action he is creating value for organisation. This is next meaning of leadership – creating values by self-actualization organisation members. Above all, every good creation – artistic, business – is about creating something that you are proud of.

Idealism helps to keep open and honest communication. Internal and external ones. It is like a needle of the compass pointing the right direction.

But idealism can be (in some cases) also danger to organisation. If it change to so call idealism trap. When idea itself is consuming more efforts than bringing results it is possible, that idea instead of being “Great Idea” is only a way to cover incompetence, laziness and other common company disease. A true values must stand behind every vision. It must not be only a PR slogan. To fulfill the idea with values, among other factors, company need people who want, not must. Which a realistic optimists. Which “can see” and act. Which love what they are doing. I believe, that idealists will change the our world for better place.

Written by Robert Kowalski

January 15, 2012 at 1:18 am